Oil City First Presbyterian Church

215 E Bissell Ave, Oil City, PA | Sunday School 9:15 a.m. | Worship 10:30 a.m.
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Sunday Services

Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Worship 10:30 a.m.
Come worship with us!
You’ll be glad you did!

About Us

We are located at 215 E Bissell Ave, Oil City, PA 16301

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Reminder: Worship is at 2nd Pres tomorrow @ 11am
Hope to see you there!
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Prepare Him Room - Pastor Josh Botts ... See MoreSee Less

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, First Presbyterian Church of Oil City Family!!

Christmas Eve Service
Christmas Eve
December 24, 2024
5:30 in the Evening

The Gathering of God’s People
(Where you see an asterisk (*) please stand as you are able.)

Welcome and Announcements:

The Prelude: “Gesù Bambino” - Pietro A. Yon
Steve Winslow, Organist
Call to Worship:
Leader: Tonight, old dreams die and new dreams come to life. The promise is fulfilled.
People: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace.
Leader: Hope gives way to joy and prayer to proclamation.
People: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace.
Leader: The candles tell the story. Dawn invades midnight. The Light of the world has come.
People: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace.
Leader: This light is a light for all, warming us from within, radiating love, lighting our lives with the presence of God in human flesh, within us and among us now and always.
People: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace. Goodwill to all.

Opening Prayer:

Advent Candle Lighting: “Prepare” - Carrie Campbell

*Hymn of Praise: “O Come! All Ye Faithful” #41

*Call to Confession:

*Unison Prayer of Confession: <adapted from a prayer written by Thom M. Shuman>
All: This was going to be the year, God of silent nights, when we were going to be prepared for you. Prepared to give away more than we spent, but we didn’t. This was going to be the season when we spent more time with others, but we filled our calendars with busy-ness. This was going to be the Christmas when we reached out and wrote to friends and family, but spent too much energy filling out our to-do lists. This was going to be a truly holy season, but it just got too hectic and hurried.
Forgive us, Love Gifter, and prepare us to receive the Baby born not into wealth and power, but into poverty and weakness; the One who loves unconditionally and welcomes all; the Child who gathers other children to him, to bless them and serve them; the One who drew near to us, so we might be drawn to your heart – Jesus Christ, our Brother, our Lord. Amen.
<A time for silent confession of personal sin is kept>

*Assurance of Forgiveness:
Leader: …In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven.
All: …Thanks be to God!

*Passing of the Peace:
Leader: …The peace of the Lord be with you!
All: And also, with you!

*Gloria Patri: “Glory Be to the Father” #579

We Hear God’s Word

Anthem: “Prepare the Way of the Lord” - Rowan
Sanctuary Choir, In memory of Sally Lockhart
Prayer for Illumination:

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 9: 2-7
New Testament Reading: 2 Corinthians 4: 5-6
Gospel Reading: Luke 2: 1-20

Sermon: “Prepare Him Room” Pastor, Josh Botts

We Respond to God’s Word

*Hymn of Response: “O Little Town of Bethlehem” #44

*Affirmation of Faith: <Written by Bruce Prewer>
All: I believe in God whose light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never smother it. I believe that on a night like this night in Bethlehem there was born a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.
I believe in the Word who has become incarnate, our very flesh and blood, yet full of grace and truth.
I believe in the blessed appearing of the salvation of our God, that is for the happiness of all people.
I believe in his name as Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace; Of the increase of his rule and of his unique peace, there will be no end. The zeal of the God of hosts will do this.
This I surely believe!

Sharing of Joys and Concerns:

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer:

The Prayer Response: (Sung in unison)
Hear our prayer, O Lord; Hear our prayer, O Lord,
Incline Thine ear to us, and grant us Thy peace. Amen.

Invitation to Offering:
The Giving of Our Offering:
Offertory: “Away in A Manger” - Kristen Campbell
Elaine Armstrong, Violin

*Doxology: “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” #592

*Prayer of Dedication:
Sending Forth

*Closing Hymn: “Silent Night” #60

The postlude provides the transition from sacred worship back into our varied lives and activities, equipped with renewed courage, energy, and a commitment to serve God and others, until we are able to meet again, in worship. We invite you to remain seated.

Postlude: “Angels We Have Heard on High” - arr. Fred Bock
<Portions of the Liturgy adapted from the Presbyterian Outlook, the Abingdon Worship Annual, and other online resources>
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"Show & Tell" Pastor Josh Botts ... See MoreSee Less

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Merry Christmas Cookie!



1 week ago
First Presbyterian Church of Oil City

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Visiting Us


Address: 215 E Bissell Ave
Oil City, PA 16301
Phone: (814) 676-2769

Upcoming Events

Maundy Thursday Service

1st and 2nd Presbyterian Churches are combining for a Maundy Thursday worship with Communion and a potluck dinner at 6:00 on Thursday, March 28th.

It will be held at Second Presbyterian Fellowship Hall, 111 Reed Street, Oil City PA 16301.

Bring a favorite dish or dessert to share. Place settings and drinks will be provided. All are welcome!

Have Kids?

A nursery is available during worship for children ages birth – kindergarten.

Statement of Church Purpose

To glorify God, our purpose as the First Presbyterian Church is to sustain and strengthen our faith as a family of believers, equipping ourselves to proclaim and demonstrate Christian love to the community at large by meeting people’s needs, both physical and spiritual.

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First Presbyterian Church of Oil City